Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In The Studio With Barbara

Visited KUCI this morning with Barbara to watch her do her show, Writers on Writing. I'd never been in a radio station before. So much music and I LOVE music.

Barbara told me to bring my headphones. I told her I hadn't owned a pair of headphones since I'd plugged a set into my 8-track player in 1982. She loaned me a spare set.

I'm learning to be a DJ at KUCI in Irvine. I'll give you a moment to quit laughing.

One Mississippi

Two Mississippi

DJing is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. The tasks themselves are quite simple. It's the number of tasks, the importance of priority and order, and the multitasking that might be a problem. Barbara assures me it will become second nature. I'll let you know.

Monday, July 28, 2008

1,000th Visitor

Earlier today -
Ms Pam Espinosa from Scottsdale (internet from Scottsdale at least) marked the 1,000th visit to Judy's Jabberings.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Proof of Life

For proof of just how much I love these kids, I took photos of my house while they were out to dinner their last night in town.

My living room sofa turned into guest bed / playroom.

And the loft - Even George is speechless. It's unrecognizable. Jeans - blankets - beach bags - shopping bags - makeup - underwear - shirts - bras - jackets...
If a teenage girl uses it, it's there - on my floor.

Auntie Judy loves you Alexa, Meghan, Emilie, and Maddy.

Obligatory - Disneyland

Mommy, Meghan, and Maddy riding Pirates of the Caribbean. Poor Maddy is finally old enough to be scared - but who knew. She loved the ride last year.

Emmie brought her friend Maddison. What's one more girl when we already had 5. Here they are on the Pirates ride. Emilie's the pink Smurfette.

A photo moment at Big Thunder Mountain. The older girls were off on their own but for the life of me I don't know where that baby is in this picture. Maybe she's off riding the train?

Back Bay Science Center

At the Back Bay Science Center the girls got a hands on experience in oceanography. Here's Emilie skimming the water for samples to examine under the microscope. She also helped sort the mud samples taken from the bottom of the bay.
We didn't get pictures but we also were allowed to hold sea stars and measure fish. We couldn't touch the Rays since they still had active stingers but we got to see them up close.

The Hike

At 6:00 pm we set out into the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park for our Full Moon Hike. We had a guide - we're city girls but we're not stupid. Our hike was led by a docent from the Laguna Canyon Foundation. I thought I heard her name was Flora but I thought that would be too convenient so I refrained from calling her by name. Emilie talked her ear off and was excited to learn that we would be examining coyote and deer scat - POOP Emilie whispered to me mischievously.

We carried flashlights, water, and a snack and wore sturdy shoes. We were ready for almost anything but were a little surprised at the amount of poison oak. Luckily no one came down with a mysterious rash.

Plein Air Artists are Born

Emilie at Plein Air painting class.
While the rest of us wait inside at the Muth Interpretive Center. Maddy puts on a show for Meghan.

Home Invasion

July 18th, they arrive. The brood. Emilie and Maddy pictured here with Mommy (Pam).

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Babs in Bookland

My very famous author friend Barbara DeMarco Barrett has a local appearance this Sunday July 12th in Fashion Island.

Many of you saw her in the new issue of Orange Coast Magazine listed as Orange County's #1 literary magnet. Quite and honor.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Savannah the Lion Hearted

It's that time of year.

Savannah had a few matts, she was shedding and scratching and quite miserable so I had her cut.

She loves her lion cut. She struts around the house flicking her tail at me. She thinks she's beautiful.

Friday, July 04, 2008

First Tomato at Judy's

First Tomato at Judy's
Originally uploaded by judykay.

July 4th. First Tomatoes on the Roma.

Finally Tomatoes on my balcony

June 27, 2008
Originally uploaded by judykay.

Pictures from June 27th. My earthbox arrived late but the Beefsteak and Brandywine were doing a great job catching up to the Roma (on the left) which was planted 2 weeks earlier.