Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In The Studio With Barbara

Visited KUCI this morning with Barbara to watch her do her show, Writers on Writing. I'd never been in a radio station before. So much music and I LOVE music.

Barbara told me to bring my headphones. I told her I hadn't owned a pair of headphones since I'd plugged a set into my 8-track player in 1982. She loaned me a spare set.

I'm learning to be a DJ at KUCI in Irvine. I'll give you a moment to quit laughing.

One Mississippi

Two Mississippi

DJing is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. The tasks themselves are quite simple. It's the number of tasks, the importance of priority and order, and the multitasking that might be a problem. Barbara assures me it will become second nature. I'll let you know.

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