Thanks to everyone who donated. Team Wagner raised over $3000 and The Ridge raised over $20,000.
We had a blast walking. No major mishaps although my Dad did get distracted while helping my Mom from the car and my Mom ended up rolling across the parking lot until her wheelchair finally hit the curb. Mom wasn't scared. She thought Dad was pushing her and just kept yelling "slow down - slow down." Wish I had that one on film.

If you want to walk with us next year, just let me know. My friend David walked with us this year. Chick-fil-a was a sponsor so we enjoyed chicken sandwiches and Hansen's soda after the walk - and you know I always rate an event based on the quality (and quantity) of the food. Maybe next year we can get In-N-Out to sponsor :)
Anyway, here's a pic of the family. We're not the most photographic bunch and I must say that this in one of the better pictures we have ever taken. You may see it on my Christmas Card.
1 comment:
Judy, This is very cool. I found it as I was considering setting up a blog for The Ridge targeting employees and family members.
Thanks for your continued support.
John Garrett
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