Save trees and keep unwanted trash out of our land fills.
First - Register at YellowPagesGoesGreen.org
AND call your local directory company to opt out if you don't use the books that get dropped on your doorstep.
Opt out! (See Full Article on MSNBC)
The directory publishers listed below make it possible for you to stop receiving their books, but they don’t make it easy. None of the menu options includes “opting-out” of getting our directory. Follow this roadmap and you should get to a customer service representative who can help you.
— ATT/ Yellow Pages: 1-800-479-2977
— Verizon: 800-555-4833, press 4, then 5, then 2
— DEX: 1-877-243-8339, press 2
— Yellow Book: 1-800-929-3556, press 2