Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Mind's Eye

Bridesmaid at Lisa's Wedding
Originally uploaded by judykay.

Going through some old pictures on Flickr today and came across this picture of me as a bridesmaid 10 years ago.,

FYI - This is what I think I look like now. When I show up in my dreams I look just like this - minus the over-bleached teeth which was a phase in the late 90s.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"What Tim Knew" - Tim Russert

From NBC's Meet the Press:

June 15, 2008 - Remembering Tim Russert

MR. MIKE BARNICLE: ...1977, he (Tim) goes to work for Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who he idolized in the United States Senate. And Tim arrives and is surrounded by charter members of a Mensa society--Yale Law, Harvard Law. And Tim is from Buffalo, and he was always from Buffalo. And Daniel Patrick Moynihan sensed it in him, and they were having a conversation about, you know,

"Don't worry, you're not going to be intimidated by these Mensa members who you're working with."

And Tim acknowledged that. And Pat Moynihan told Tim that day, as Dick Eaton...told me, he told Tim... "You know," he said,

"what they know, Tim, you can learn. But what you know, they can never learn."


I was a HUGE fan of Tim Russert. In my opinion, he was the BEST in political journalism.


His reporting was refreshing, full of content, masterly presented in an easily understood format. Tim took you from A to Z and you actually got it. He was the everyman - Never meant to be on camera. He didn't have the looks nor the slick wardrobe of the network anchorman. It just wasn't his style. He was a boy from Buffalo with a passion for politics, his family, and his country.

Remember Tim the next time you're tempted to get your political FACTS from a blog or a mass forwarded email.

Tim, you will be missed

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fruits and Veggies

Finally have the first tomatoes I grow at my Mom and Dad's house. I've been able to keep the horn worms off of them so far this year