12 winks received
4 winks sent
7 emails received
2 requests for dates
I'm sure there is a stats project here but I'm just not up to it today and nobody would care anyway. Besides, I'm dating now and nothing says geek more than a complicated math reference.
I haven't set a date yet. I must leave some excitement for next week. I've read at least 100 profiles describing fun, exciting, intelligent, and caring individuals. I haven't learned too much about anyone but I have made a lot of mental spelling corrections for these intelligent and sometimes 'intertaining' people. Me, the girl who can't spell. My mother once told me that she had failed me because I wrote her from college letting her know when I would be 'comming' home. (If you don't see the jokes, run spell-check.) Needless to say, I try not to judge on spelling or grammar because, well, people in glass houses and all.
A few men did sound interesting. Here are the highlights.
1. 39 years old, 6 feet tall, PhD, some sort of scientist....

but he's posted pictures of his pet, which isn't uncommon, but his pet is a bird. All I can think of is how filthy a bachelor pad with a bird must be. The bird is kind of cute, but those who know me also know that one drop of guano on anything I own and I'm out the door. One must draw the line somewhere and I draw it at birdie poopy.
2. 6 foot 5 runner. Francesca says he's nothin special but I thought we had a lot in common and when he sent me his pictures he was kind of cute. I was reviewing his profile with my friend Daveed and was quickly informed that men who don't post pictures with their profiles are married. What??? Mr 6'5" is married and looking for some action on the side? We'll see. He's asked me out and I gave him my phone number. If he only calls me from the office we'll be suspicious.
3. 41 year old OC average joe. 6 feet tall. Cute enough. Divorced. I also reviewed this profile with Daveed and learned more Match.com code. 6 feet means 5'10". Always subtract 2 inches from the height if they're under 6'1". Check the age and then check the picture again. If they're 45 or older you can usually add 3-8 years to their age. Joe looks 41 but I'll have to wait and see if the height is embellished.
Next week should be interesting. I might even go on a date. Stranger things have happened. If there are no dates next week, get ready for the stats lesson.